Practicing Shaucha-Part I

Over the month,we have looked at a bit about the 1st Yama,Ahimsa or the principle of Non-Harming.Today,let’s take a peek into the 1st Niyama,which is Shaucha.


Whereas Yamas are the Moral Codes of Conduct pertaining to Self-Restraint,Niyamas are Codes of Conduct pertaining to Self-Observance.


शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाः। PYS II:32


Shaucha Santosha Tapah Swadhyaya Ishwar Pranidhanani Niyamaha.


The rules for self-observance are cleanliness,contentment,austerity,self-study & surrender to the Almighty.


The 1st Niyama offered by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras is Shaucha or Cleanliness.We have often heard the saying: Cleanliness is next to Godliness.Right from childhood,emphasis is placed both at home & school,towards cleanliness.

That it ,indeed,is so important can be indicated by the fact that it has been placed 1st in the list of Niyamas.Patanjali’s Sutras are concise,precise & practical;not just random thoughts. So, certainly,Shaucha is of supreme importance.


Cleanliness,as in a lot of other cases,is both internal & external.Internal again is of the body & also of our thoughts.Our thoughts get converted into our actions.In the Dhammapada,the Buddha starts with saying that if one speaks or acts with an unwholesome mind,suffering follows one,just as the wheel follows the ox-cart.Alternately,when one speaks or acts with a wholesome mind,happiness follows one,as surely as one’s shadow that never leaves.In her hugely popular book,The Secret,Rhonda Bryne has also said that Thoughts become Things.So,the importance of pure,clean thoughts,leading to wholesomeness of words & deeds,becomes more & more relevant.


What I would like to discuss a little more in detail is internal cleansing of the body.A purified system leads to a feeling of lightness in the body,leading to & assisting in clarity of thought.The 1st practice is Vaman Dhauti or regurgitative cleansing.Vaman Dhauti is part of the Dhauti Kriya,which is the 1st of the Shat-kriyas or Six purificatory processes.The Shatkriyas are spoken of highly in two popular & ancient yogic texts,The Gheranda Samhita & The Hatha Pradipika.In both,they are said to purify the body by removing excess of phlegm,bile & fat.


The Process in brief


Vaman Dhauti is done in the morning,on an empty stomach.Prepare a saline solution of 1.5 litres/6 glasses.Purified water is to be used which should be lukewarm & a teaspoon of rock/sea salt is to be mixed well into it.Drink this rapidly not too far from a sink.Then,lean forward over the sink & insert the fore,middle & ring finger of your hand(make sure your nails are clean & trimmed) deep into the mouth.Rub & press the back of the tongue,just under the uvula(that small thingy hanging from the upper palate).Keep the body relaxed.If done correctly,the water should come out in a gush.After each expulsion,stimulate the tongue until all the consumed water has come out.The stomach has received a basic cleansing!!!




Vamana Dhauti is effective in toning the abdominal organs as a strong muscular contraction takes place while performing the kriya.It is a good practice for those suffering from hyperacidity.The stomach is cleansed of excess mucus,bile & leftover food particles.There is a joyful feeling of lightness of both body & mind,leading to clarity of thought.Strongly recommended the morning after any celebration,in specific,& once a week,in general.




Pregnant women & those suffering from high blood pressure,problems of the heart & brain,hernia,acute peptic ulcers,diabetics with eye problems should not perform Vaman Dhauti.


Other notes


1.Plain water may be used but salt water is preferable.

2.If there is a feeling of discomfort or indigestion after a heavy or inappropriate meal,this kriya can be performed within a few hours of such a meal to remove the undigested food from the stomach.This is called Vyaghra Kriya or Tiger practice.


Try it soon & find out for yourself how you feel!Happy Cleansing!!!

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Asana study : eka pAda utthanAsana

Also called

1.eka pAda Urdhva prasaritAsana,both meaning one-leg lifted/stretched out above pose

2.eka pAda ardha HalAsana -half plough pose with one leg

3.Simple English name : Supine Single leg lifts

4.Anatomical name : Lying Hamstring Stretch


1.Lie flat on your back,arms by the side of your body,palms down.


2.Inhaling,lift your right leg up-straight-slowly & steadily,gradually trying to make a 90 degree angle to the floor.The foot is in a neutral position.The left leg is straight & flat on the floor,toes pointing to the ceiling.

3.Exhaling,slowly lower the leg back to the floor.

4.Repeat on the other side.



1.The buttocks,torso,back,shoulders,neck and arms are all on the floor & no strain should be felt in these areas.

2.Do not over-exert to make the leg perpendicular to the floor initially.Proceed to 30,then 60 & finally 90 degrees.

3.The above procedure is the dynamic method co-ordinated with the breath.10 rounds can be done with each leg.

4.For a static pose,hold the leg in the raised position & breathe normally.

5.The knee of the raised leg should not be bent.



1.For those with a weak back,the leg on the floor can be bent at the knee the the foot placed flat on the floor.


2.For a more intense stretch,raise the arms up above the head before raising the leg.


3.The raised foot can be flexed in or out,with the toes turned in towards you or pointing out.This also intensifies the stretch in the hamstrings,calves & quadriceps,while benefiting the toes & ankles.


This deceptively simple asana is a safe,basic,foundational posture with multiple benefits.

1.Increases flexibility in the hip joints.

2.Tones & strengthens muscles of the legs,pelvis,abdomen & back.

3.Provides relief from various digestive issues including gastric trouble,flatulence,constipation & indigestion,all usually resulting due to sedentary lifestyle.Also helps aligning the solar plexus.

4.Also helpful for diabetics,athletes & those suffering from nervous weakness.

5.A preparatory pose for various advanced postures,including halAsana or the plough pose.



1.Persons suffering from high blood pressure or severe back conditions like lumbar spondylitis/slipped disc,etc.may do this under instruction of a qualified therapist only.

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Practising Shaucha-II

A few days ago,we had a glimpse into the 1st Niyama,Shaucha or cleanliness.We looked at the practise of Vaman Dhauti,which is like a stomach wash.Hopefully,some have been inspired to practise the technique in the meantime.

Before proceeding,let’s understand this word-Practise.It is crucial.Yoga,according to Patanjali,is the stilling of the thought waves in the mind.The first way that he offers to do this is through अभ्यास – practise.This is what the Oxford Dictionary says on practise:-

1.perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.

2.carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly.

The Keyword here is – Perform.First & foremost,we need to start performing.We can go on reading,discussing, contemplating, thinking-about the wonderful things we need to do,but unless & until we actually get down to doing it,there’s really no point.As someone rightly said-An ounce of practise is worth tonnes of theory.

It’s interesting the way these definitions coincide with what Patanjali says on Abhyasa.In the Yoga Sutras I:14,he says:

स तु दीर्घकालनैर्र्न्तर्यसत्कारासेवितो दृढ़भूमिः।

Sa tu deerghakala nairantarya satkaraa sevito drudhbhoomihi

It (the practise) becomes firm when carried out for a long time,without break & with faith.


So,repeated,regular practise with faith will bring about the desired results.Therefore,Keep Practising!!!

Today,I would like to offer you one more extremely effective technique for purification of the body.This is a simple cleansing of the Gastro-Intestinal(GI)Tract,what I like to call अति लघू शंख प्रक्षालन (Ati-Laghoo Shankha Prakshaalana) or extremely small Shankha Prakshaalana.Shankha Prakshaalana is an intensive cleansing of the GI tract,which may be undertaken once or twice a year,under proper guidance.However,the Ati laghoo is a much simplified version & can be practised safely on a regular basis.

Shankha Prakshaalana literally means cleaning the conch-shell.If you have seen a conch shell with an opening on both sides-one side from where you can blow it & the other from which emanates the sound-you would have noticed that the shape of the shell twists & turns a couple of times.To wash it,you pour water from the opening where it is blown from,& the water passes out from the other side,removing any impurities on the inside.A single rinse may remove only the superficial dirt,but a repeated,more intense wash helps to dislodge the more stubborn impurities.

The GI tract,in Shankha Prakshalana,has been likened to a conch shell,what with its various curves & turns.Whereas the Ati-laghoo is like the single rinse,the full technique helps to clear & flush out the impurities very intensely.

The Preparation

Prepare a litre of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of rock/sea salt added to it.This should be atleast 4 medium sized glasses of water.

The Technique

1.On an empty stomach,quickly drink a glass of the prepared solution & do Tadasana 10 times.


a.Stand with the feet about hip width apart.Keep the palms interlocked & facing the ceiling on top of the head.

b.With an inhalation,come up on the toes & straighten the arms at the elbows with the palms still interlocked & facing the ceiling,stretching the whole body-the legs,torso,arms upwards.Hold the breath for a few seconds.

c.Exhale & release,bringing the heels down & the interlocked palms back on top of the head.



2.Have a second glass of water,& perform 10 rounds of Tiryaka Tadasana.


a.Stand as in Tadasana,with the palms interlocked above the head & the feet a little more than hip width apart.

b.Inhale & straighten the elbows,stretching the arms up but keeping the heels down.

c.Exhale,& bend the torso sideways,laterally,on the right side.Hold for a couple of seconds.

d.Inhaling,come back to the centre & repeat on the other side.This completes one round.



3.Have a third glass of the saline solution & do 10 rounds of Kati-Chakrasana.


a.Stand with the feet about hip width apart & the arms raised sideways to shoulder level.Inhale.

b.Exhale & twist the torso & the neck to the left.Simultaneously bend both arms at the elbows,taking the left arm at the back of the waist,with the palm facing out,& the right arm across the chest,with the palm on the left shoulder.Keep the bent arms close to the torso.Hold the pose for a few seconds.

c.Inhale,coming back to the centre with outstretched arms & repeat on the other side.This is one round.

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4.Have a fourth glass of water.Walk around with the right palm/fist pressed under the left armpit(to activate the right nostril,which aids in the eliminatory process)till the time you feel the urge to defecate.Be relaxed & don’t put any unnecessary pressure.


1.The Ati-laghoo is a basic cleansing of the GI tract.Highly recommended to be practised atleast once a week,or more often,if required.

2.Keep in mind that you may need to visit the toilet more than once.So,plan accordingly.For the first few times,do the procedure on a weekend or holiday when you are not in a hurry to go out in the morning.

3.This may be done with plain lukewarm water,but the addition of salt helps in better cleansing.

4.Those suffering from high blood pressure should perform with plain water only.People suffering from any other medical conditions,especially kidney patients,should perform this only after consultation with their doctors.


The importance of a proper,regular,daily bowel movement cannot be overstated,nor can it be underestimated.And if this important job is completed in the morning,it greatly assists in a feeling of lightness in the body & clarity of thought.Ati Lagoo Shankha Prakshaalana helps a lot in this regard.

Shankha Prakshaalana has traditionally been called as Varisara Dhauti as per the ancient yogic texts.The Gheranda Samhita states :

“The Varisara is the highest Dhauti.He who practises it with ease purifies his filthy body,turning it into a shining one.”-GS I.19

So,practise this amazing cleansing process soon & experience the benefits yourself!!!


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